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Planting Memories at Moor Hall Hotel & Spa

As part of our 60th anniversary of family ownership in 2021, we have buried a special time capsule in our grounds which is packed full of memories including reminders of what life has been like during the pandemic.

The time capsule includes a face mask, hand gel and documents detailing Moor Hall's timeline of the pandemic which include photos of when the hotel opened a community shop during the first few weeks of lockdown to sell much needed flour, eggs and toilet roll!

Also included are brochures, menus, a Moor Hall teddy and history of the hotel. Angela Burns, CEO of Moor Hall Hotel & Spa said: "We are excited to bury the time capsule in our grounds and wonder what life will be when it is rediscovered and who will be there to see it! We had already planned to bury the time capsule for our 60th anniversary and then decided to add some items that have been so relevant to us all recently as well."

What would you include in your time caspule?

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